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Techology Intelligence

Do you know what the global trends are for your goods and/or services? Do you know where your industry is heading? Where do you find inspiration for new products and services?

We provide this key information

protección de datos

To identify the avant-garde products of the competitors in the market.

protección de datos

That helps to design an IP protection strategy aligned with the business and innovation strategy of the company and with the context of the industry.

memorias descriptivas

To identify possible research partners, clients or licensees.

informes de patentabilidad

That allows identifying the main markets for technology.

acciones oficiales

As a support for decision making in a project with the least degree of uncertainty.

When should it be applied?

Protección de datos

Before defining an R&D project to find a product-market adjustment.

protección de datos

During an R&D project to identify potential sectors and markets

protección de datos

At the end of an R&D project to improve the commercial strategy of an existing technology.


To guide the technological development strategy, detecting market niches and opportunities.

How do we do it?

We examine the technology and the desired impact of the evaluation.

Sector automoción

We seek and collect information in multiple technological and market databases, with the aim of identifying key references.

We analyse the information gathered and extract qualitative, quantitative, technological and market knowledge.

Technological Analysis Report

It is done with the aim of knowing the status of a technology at a specific time.

Technological evolution

It allows to know how technology has evolved and what is its degree of maturity.

Geostrategic positioning

We map the geographical origin of inventions to detect consolidated and emerging markets.

Technological leadership

We detect organizations and companies with greater activity to analyze their technological and commercial impact in the area subject to study.

Stay updated

To know where to go, you need to know which direction to take

Experts in Technology Intelligence

The experience you need for decision-making. All the knowledge of our experts is at your disposal.

Aitor Romero

IP Consultancy Specialist

Sandra Rodríguez

IP Specialist

Irene Brenes

IP Consultancy Specialist

Juan Camilo Bohórquez

IP Consultancy Specialist

Patricia Sarasola

Group Consultancy Officer

Caio do Nascimento

IP Consultancy Specialist
Cresencio Villaseñor

Crescencio Villaseñor

Patent Specialist

Cristina Antequera

IP Consultancy Specialist

Coral Navarro

IP Consultancy Specialist

Iván Alejandro Martínez

IP Senior Consultant

Adriana Esteves

IP Consultancy Director

Contact our expert

Do you have any doubts? We solve them on a one-to-one basis

Jimena Ugarte
Country Managing Director Chile

Contact our expert

Do you have any doubts? We solve them on a one-to-one basis

Patricio Gómez
Tax & Funding Consultancy Sales Manager

Contact our expert

Do you have any doubts? We solve them on a one-to-one basis

Victor Fachim
IP Senior Consultant

Contact our expert

Do you have any doubts? We solve them on a one-to-one basis

Claudio Castanheira
Regional Managing Director Brazil

Contact our expert

Do you have any doubts? We solve them on a one-to-one basis

José María del Valle
IP Senior Consultant

Contact our expert

Do you have any doubts? We solve them on a one-to-one basis

Fabiana Penadés
Country Managing Director Uruguay

Contact our expert

Do you have any doubts? We solve them on a one-to-one basis

Carlos Magnanini
International IP Senior Consultant
Estados Unidos

Contact our expert

Do you have any doubts? We solve them on a one-to-one basis

Constance De Goïti
International IP Consultant

Contact our expert

Do you have any doubts? We solve them on a one-to-one basis

María Daniela Román
Country Managing Director Ecuador

Contact our expert

Do you have any doubts? We solve them on a one-to-one basis

Jordi Elías
IP Senior Consultant

Tailor-made protection

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